WS Series


WS Series

Engineered to remove water + solid particles
  • Very compact water separator.
  • Separates the water from oil based fluids and allows draining of water easily and quickly.
  • 2 in 1 water separation and oil filtration.
  • Based on coalescent technology, agglomerates water molecules into droplets, which then drop to the bottom of the fluid.
  • Built around a very compact power pack, the WSWD-filter connects to the oil reservoir.
  • Low running cost, easy installation & maintenance.
  • Available in various setups, with optional pre-heater and various motor versions.
MODEL Article nr. Flow rate Motor Power Element type Max pressure Weight Dimension (mm)
WS-WD-1PF TR-16000 1.8 l/min 230Vx1 or 400Vx3, 50Hz 0.12 KW (230V) - 0.37 KW (400V) ewst0 1 xPFIO Pressure relief set at 4.5 bar 25.0 kg 505 x 300 x 500
WS-SU103-1R-WS20 TR-16100 1.8 l/min 230Vx1 or 400Vx3, 50Hz 0.12 KW (230V) - 0.37 KW (400V) 3x WS20 Pressure relief set at 4.5 bar 27.4 kg 570 x 300 x 500
WS-SU103-1R-WS20 TR-16300 6.0 l/min 230Vx1 or 400Vx3, 50Hz 0.12 KW (230V) - 0.37 KW (400V) 3x WS20 Pressure relief set at 4.5 bar 95.0 kg 440 x 955 x 1045
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