Ethereum: how to call execute sell function in uniswap v3?

Here is an article on how to call the “Executăsel” function in the Uniswap V3 using Web3.Py:

Title: How to call the sales function made in the Uniswap V3 with


UNISWAP V3 is a popular decentralized exchange protocol (DEX), which enables peers between assets. When you call “buy” and “sell on Uniswap V3, it performs two separate transactions: one to buy assets and the other to sell the same ingredient back into the liquidity pool. In this article, we will show you how to use Web3.Py to call the “Executăsel” function in Uniswap V3.


  • You installed Web3.Py in the car.

  • You have a Uniswap V3 wallet and Ethereum node (such as gnosis or infura).

  • You created a contract for your token (e.g. with truffles or remix).

Step 1: Define the “executăsel” function

First of all, you need to define the “Perform” function in the UNISWAP V3 contract. This function is called when the resource is sold back to the liquidity pool.


Def executesell (web3, chain, wallet_address, address_taken, token_abi):

Get the current price of assets

tx_hash = web3.eth.sendrawtranstion (


"Data": transaction_to_sign,

"Gaseprice": web3.towei ('20, "gwei"),

"LA": ​​address_taken,

"Value": web3.towei (0, "ether")



Get a transaction shortcut

tx_hash = tx_hash.hex ()

Call the "executăsel" function in the contract (in this case to show its name)

tx_hash = web3.etth.gettransactioncount (wallet_address) .hex ()

Replace with the real portfolio address

Returns tx_hash

Step 2: Get a contract court

Then you need to get the Instance of the UNISWAP V3 contract. You can do this by causing the web3.etth.contract.


Contract = web3.etth.contract (address = '0xyoucontraraDDress', abi = token_abi)

Step 3: Call the “executăsel” function

Now you need to call the “Perform” function in your contract court. You can do this using the “web3.etth.sendranstion method.


tx_hash = executesell (web3, chain, wallet_atelski, address_taken, token_abi)

Step 4: Error service

Error manipulation is crucial when calling for external contracts. Make sure you manage all potential errors that may occur when performing the “Execurta” function.


to try:

tx_hash = executesell (web3, chain, wallet_atelski, address_taken, token_abi)

Except for web3.httpexception, as is:

Printing (f "http error: {e}")

folding everything

Here is the full code:

“ Python

Import web3

Def Sell_TOKEN (web3: web3, chain, portfolio Porten_address, address_taken, token_abi, transactions_to_sign):

Get the current price of assets

tx_hash = web3.eth.sendrawtranstion (


“Data”: transactions_to_sign,

“Gaseprice”: web3.towei (’20, “gwei”),

“LA”: ​​address_taken,

“Value”: web3.towei (0, “ether”)



Get a transaction shortcut

tx_hash = tx_hash.hex ()

Call the “executăsel” function in the contract (in this case to show its name)

tx_hash = web3.etth.gettransactioncount (wallet_address) .hex ()

Replace with the real portfolio address

Returns tx_hash

Def main ():

Create a new instance web33

Web3.web3 ()

Define the contract and ABI

Contract =

Public Sale

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