Solana: Decimal precision error for token in phantom

Error in Solana Phantom: Decimal precision error for tokens exchange

Swaps from the Solana block chain. The Solana Phantom wallet is a decimal precision error when performing Swaps Token. In this article, we will explore why this could happen and provide a solution.

The problem: decimal precision error

By exchanging tokens from a liquidity pool to another, the ghost wallet will show the amount of exchange in decimal format (for example, 1000 Sun). However, if you enter an amount, such as 1000, the Phantom will automatically turn it into a fraction of the total amount available. For example:


  • The ghost converts 1000 tokens (in decimal format) to 1/10,000,000 of the total amount.

The problem

The problem arises when conversion is not necessary. In a real world scenario this can lead to an error when trying to exchange tokens, since the Phantom will show the wrong roasts.

Causes of decimal precision error

Several factors contribute to this decimal precision error:

  • Token conversion rules

    Solana: Decimal precision error for token in phantom

    : The solana protocol defines specific rules to convert between the different types of tokens and denominations.


  • Phantom wallet configuration : Phantom wallet configuration can affect its decimal precision error management.

Solution: Configure Phantom to handle decimal precision errors

To solve this problem,

  • Go A
    Configuration> Wallets> Ballet Solana


  • Under
    Token configuration , enable
    fractional representation .

Example configuration

For example



"Name": "Liquiditypool",

"Symbol": "x",

"Type": "Liquiditypool",

"Minamount": 1000,

"Maxamount": 1000000000,

"Fractional representation": true,




Best practices

To further minimize the risk of decimal precision errors:

  • Make sure your liquidity group has a enabled fractional representation.


Following these steps and best practices,


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