Ethereum: Binance – msg: ‘Signature for this request is not valid.’

Error message explanation and resolution for Binance API request in Nodejs

As a developer, you are probably experiencing an error when trying to send an http request to the Binance API using your favorite programming language. In this article, we will divide the error message ‘signature of this request is not valid’ and provide a step-by-step guide on how to solve it.

Error message explanation

The error message indicates that the request being sent to the Binance API does not contain a valid signature. By sending an HTTP request using the Nodejs Axios' Library, you should include a" subscription "on your request headers to authenticate and authorize access to the API.

In this case, the error is probably due to one of the two reasons:

  • Failure or incorrect "Signature" header : The request does not contain a valid signature, which means that the "Axios" library cannot verify the authenticity of the request.

  • ** Invalid Headerx-Mmbx-Apikey: This header is required for API requests made through the Binance Websockets API. If this header is absent or incorrectly formatted, it may also prevent successful authentication.

Steps of resolution

Ethereum: Binance - msg: 'Signature for this request is not valid.'

To solve the error, follow these steps:

Option 1: Check that the correct header ofSubscription

Check that the request contains a valid signature on HTTP headers. The format for Binance Websockets requests usually involves the inclusion of ax-Mmbx-Apikeyheader with the API key as the value.

Example (nodejs)


Constant Axes = Requires (‘Axios’);

// Configure your Binance API credentials and WebSocket URL

CONST APIKEY = ‘Your_api_Key’;

CONST APISECRET = ‘Your_api_secret’;

CONST WURSLA = ‘WSS: // 9443/Websocket’;

// Define the signature in the X-MBX-Apikey header

Headers const = {

‘X-MBX-Apikey’: Apikey,


// Configure the Websocket Object with your credentials and webSocket URL (wurl, data, {headers})

.Then (Response => Console.log (‘Success Request’))))

.Catch (Error => Console.error (‘Error:’, error));


Option 2: Check the header X-MBX-Apikey '

If you are still finding problems after ensuring a valid 'Signature' header, make sure thex-MBX-Apikeyheader is present on your request. You can do this by inspecting the network guide to your browser developer tools or using the 'Axios' library internal debugous features.

Example (nodejs)


Constant Axes = Requires (‘Axios’);

// Configure your Binance API credentials and WebSocket URL

CONST APIKEY = ‘Your_api_Key’;

CONST APISECRET = ‘Your_api_secret’;

// Set the request with the X-MBX-Apikey header

Headers const = {

‘X-MBX-Apikey’: Apikey,


// Use axios to send a posting request to the Binance API (‘wss: // 9443/Websocket’, data, {Headers})

.Then (Response => Console.log (‘Success Request’))))

.Catch (Error => Console.error (‘Error:’, error));


By following these steps, you can solve the Subscription `for this request is not a valid error and successfully interact with the Binance API using your favorite programming language.

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