Ethereum: Library addiction dependence
As a developer who works on personalized decentralized applications (DAPPS), it is not unusual to encounter problems with library addictions. A common problem that may arise is a mismatch between the foundry libraries and the dependencies required by the DAPP.
In this article, we will explore the problem you encounter with the Openzeplin V4 and Uniswapv3 periphery/core, two crucial components of your project.
When you installed UNISWAPV3 periphery/core in your project, it has introduced a new Openzeplin V4 library addiction. However, the Openzeplin V4 is no longer accepted by the supporters of the project due to security vulnerabilities and changes in its basic functionality.
As a result, when you try to import the Openzeplin V4 libraries within the DAPP, you encounter errors and warnings from the casting tools. This mismatch may cause compilation of your code to fail or function in an unstable state.
To solve this dependence mismatch, follow these steps:
- Check your addictions
: Roll
NPM ls or
yarn list to make sure all required libraries are installed correctly.
- Openzeplin V4 update update : If the mains have launched a new version of the Openzeplin V4, update -the project installing the latest version using NPM or Fire:
NPM Installation -Save @Openzeppelin/Contracts
Alternatively, you can useaddition of yarn with the standard-standard option to force the installation of the latest version:
Add Fire @Openzeppelin/Contract-Force-Standard
- Update uniswapv3 periphery/core
: RunNPM uninstal or eliminated yarn to eliminate periphery/core uniswapv3 exceeded, then install the new version using NPM or wires:
NPM Uninstall Uniswap-V3-Periferia/Core
NPM Installation-Save @Uniswap/V3-Periferie
Alternatively, you can useadd of the wires with the option-force-standard:
Add Fire @Uniswap/V3-Periferie-Force-Standard
- Update the Openzeplin V4 libraries : After updating your addictions to include Openzeplin V4, runNPM install or yarn installation to update any affected libraries.
best practices
To prevent this issue in the future:
- Check regularly if there are library updates and maintenance launches.
- Use the tools for managing Foundry addicted addiction to provide precise library versions.
- Test DApp in detail after updating addictions to get any problems.
Following these steps, you should be able to solve the dependence of the dependence of the dependence of the towing library caused by the Openzeplin V4 and the periphery/core Uniswapv3. Happy coding!