Ethereum: HTLC (Hash Time Lock Contract) using bitcoin-qt

Ethereum: Manually Creating a HTLC (Hash Time Lock Contract) Using Bitcoin-Qt

In this article, we will investigate whether it is possible to manually create a Hash Time Lock Contract (HTLC) using the Bitcoin-Qt command line interface.

What is HTLC?

HTLC is a type of transaction used on the Ethereum network. It allows multiple parties to verify the time a given hash was created, thus providing a secure way to transfer funds without the need for a trusted third party (e.g. a central authority). HTLCs are typically used in scenarios where a high degree of decentralization and trustlessness is required.

Manually Creating an HTLC Using Bitcoin-Qt

Yes, it is possible to manually create an HTLC using the Bitcoin-Qt command line interface. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  • Open a new transaction: Use bitcoin-qt createrawtransaction with the -htlc option to specify that you want to create a Hash Time Lock contract. For example: bitcoin-qt createrawtransaction -htlc
  • Specify hash: Enter the desired hash value for your HTLC.
  • Set transaction type: Select “HTLC” as the transaction type.
  • Set data: Set the data that will be used to verify the creation time. This can include the sender and recipient addresses, along with any additional information you want to include.
  • Set expiration

    : Set the expiration time for the HTLC. You can specify a specific timestamp or a range of timestamps.

Example use case

Let’s say you want to create an HTLC that allows multiple parties to verify the creation time of a given hash, with an expiration time of 2 hours from now. Here’s an example:

bitcoin-qt createrawtransaction -htlc \

--hash \

--txtype=HTLC \

--data="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" \



: The --data option is used to specify the data that will be included in the HTLC. In this example, we define a simple hash value as data.


Manually creating an HTLC using Bitcoin-Qt is possible and can provide a high degree of decentralization and trustlessness. However, it is important to note that creating an HTLC is a complex process and may require some technical knowledge. It is also necessary to ensure that the HTLC implementation meets all relevant security and regulatory requirements.

Getting Started

If you are new to Bitcoin-Qt or HTLC, I recommend starting with the basic training and familiarizing yourself with the bitcoin-qt command line interface. Once you have a solid understanding of the basics, you can experiment with creating your own HTLC using the steps above.

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