Reesolving Solana JSONRPC Error: Failed to Get Transaction with Signature
The infams “invalid” errors! This is an issue with occups using the Web, Web3 poudds of your your, JavaScript application. In thist art, we’ll walk to resolve through to resolve through sON-RPC’s sON-RPC’s sON-RPC API.
What scratch the JSONPCEor: failed to get transaction: invalid signal?*
What you call sOLAPCON.getTranseaction(thx Hash, {committment: ‘finalized’, maxSupportedTransactionVeration: 0 })’, the evidence transaction is an invaluating sign, the library wll throw an 100 accents:
“irrorr”: {
“core”: “invalid System”,
Why from it?**
Thereal reassessing whoyo is half of the invalid symptoms of error. Shere is a possession of causses:
- *Trasaction urys an axSupportedTransaction’ of 0, SO-RPC APC APC throw throw throw throw throw.
- Invalid or missing commitments: Makes thress thress that a required commitments (e.g., “finalized”, “confirmed”, etc.) are present and validid.
- *Tanassection : Verify the transaction dose the crust corresponding.
Resolving the error
To resolve this error, follow there:
- *Check transaction version: Ensure thress . maxSupportedTransaction’ set to no-zeo value for your valve specified case. You can fed information available versions in the [Solate documents](htts://
- Update transaction hash: Ifly use a new or updated version of Solana, update the transaction hash in your code.
Ample resolution
consequent = recree(slay);
// Create a Solana connection
consection = thenlane.Connection(solate.Key.fromUint32Array(0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03]), 'manet-1’)), ‘manet-1’)), ‘manet-1’);
// Get the transaction hash
continent txH = await consection(your_ of transaction_hash_haite’, { commercialized: ‘finalized’ }).
// Process the transaction
conson.log(’Transaction ID: ${});
} citch (errorrer) {
In th exam, it is ympathy to replace your_hash_hash_hash_hee wit the act of the act.
Additational tips
- Regularly update your Solana depending on the latest information of available versions and anony potent issues.
- Considing mechanism or error handling strategy crashing and application in case of unexpected errors.
By folling the steps, you will be able to resolve the invalid signature of Solana’s Web3 library. Ifly still experiencing issues, feel free to assist for a funer of assistance!